SITE SELECTION: Although community pharmacy practice is a profession but generally it’s a trade. So apart from furnishing the services, it’s essential to take suitable way to ameliorate the business.

• Before starting the drugstore, the druggist should do a macro check of the area where he or she’s intending to start the business similar as the population size, number of rehearsing croakers, number of medical stores being around should be taken in to the consideration.

• Suitable selection of the point is veritably important for a good business. A point chosen rightly can boom the business and a incorrectly chosen point may run the business in to losses since the drugstore business depends upon the tradition feed.

• The tradition feed come from attached croaker or near rehearsing croaker or near sanitarium, or floating conventions.

• To admit the conventions from all the possible sources, it’s essential to open the drugstore which is close by to tradition feed sources. The suitable spots for opening a drugstore are
(a) Attached to a clinic
(b) Close by to conventions
(c) Near to a sanitarium
( d) In a busy request
(e) Growing megacity extensions
(f) Close by to road station or machine station

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